On to Fort Scott
On to Fort Scott by way of some coffee at the local BP Station. We're taking highway 39 east. I take a nice long nap while Phil drives and wake up just in time to come down the long hill into Fort Scott. Every fast food place in town has a yellow school bus or two parked next to it and high school students crossing the highway, milling around, talking in groups. A sign tells us that there is an agricultural contest at the community college. The Carnegie is in the older part of town. We find the building, built in 1902 at 201 National.
This is the largest Carnegie building we have seen so far. All original building with no additions like Chanute or Wellington. The children's room is still in the basement. Little is changed. There are suspended ceilings which were added at some point, but that is about all of the updating this building has seen. Fort Scott is a town that respects and treasures its older buildings, so I sure that at some point it will get a facelift.
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