Winfield, Kansas
I call our friend Caleb in Winfield to see if we can meet him for supper. He says 7pm will work out after he gets out of football practice. Hopefully he knows a good place to eat. We find the old Carnegie building fairly easily. We are getting pretty good at finding the older section of town and then spotting the Carnegie. This building has been purchased by a local dentist. His office is in the basement where the children’s room used to be. Upstairs there is a dance studio and the offices of a fraternity. At this time of day moms and dads are dropping their kids off for dance class. We wait for a break in the crowd to take our picture and go inside. We go into each room, asking and receiving permission to look around. There is still a lot of life in the old building. Kids, teens, music, activity. We visit the dentist’s office. The receptionist shows us an album of pictures of the remodeling that was done before the dental office moved in.
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